Thursday, October 10, 2013


"Early Civilizations"

*Required Contents as of Friday, 10-18-13:
(more items to follow)

1. Vocabulary Word Cluster (civilization, ancestor, theory, migration, tradition, barter)
2. "Discovering America and Its Early People" Graphic Organizer (Table/Chart)

3. Olmec Video Notes (Minimum of 10 facts)
4. "The Olmecs" Article and Questions #1-10
5. Olmec Word Scramble #1-15

6. Mayan Video Notes (Minimum of 10 facts)
7. "The Mayas" Article and Questions #1-10
8. Mayan Map - "The Mayas-Mapping It Out"

9. Compare/Contrast Essay - "The Olmec and Maya Cultures"

10. Aztec Video Notes (Minimum of 10 facts)
11. "The Aztecs" Article and Questions #1-10
12. Aztec Map - "The Aztecs-Mapping It Out"

*Each item on this list should be complete and kept in student's zipper binder behind the social studies divider/tab. 

  • Class time is given to complete each item listed above, which will be included in the "Early Civilizations" Portfolio. 
  • Any work not completed in class should be completed in study hall or at home.
  • The students should have each of these items clicked in their zipper binder behind the social studies tab in the binder for your perusal.
  • We will be compiling the portfolio in class at the end of next week.